Better late than never, right?
The Adventurers
1) Sig of Varik, Human Barbarian (played by +brian meredith)
2) Sobel Barefoot, Human Monk (played by +Chris Gardiner)
3) Vonar Bouk Strongmaul, Dwarf Adventurer (played by myself)
Actual Play - Session 02
Having just landed in another pool of running water, we quickly scampered out, lest those piranha-like men came after us again. Not like I was afraid of them. Sig wasn't either. I can't speak for Sobel, but I won't talk bad about her. After all, she was the only one of us with enough brains to bring along a lantern.
Our torches were soaked, so Sobel relit the lantern while they dried, and we walked west into another chamber filled with columns, an archway to the west, a ladder to the east, and more, strange symbols and writing on the walls in between.
Sobel managed to decipher them once again but grew frustrated and angry in the process. If you ask me, our entire adventure into the ruins was starting to get to her. She's a mean one when she's angry, let me tell you.
Turns out we were right outside King Jeremiah's private chambers and only needed to traverse the archway and venture west, through the proceeding tunnel, to get there. Of course, there was that curious ladder to the east.
Sig and Sobel turned to me to decide what path we should take. I firmly believed I could guide those two, and I smelled heaps of treasure just past that tunnel, so I said, "Onward to King Jeremiah's chambers!"
Big mistake.
As I scouted ahead, I came across a snoring, quadrupedal creature at the end of the tunnel. I have no idea what it was, and, truth be told, it didn't matter. I immediately regretted my decision to take the tunnel, so we double backed to the previous chamber and decided to head up the ladder instead.
I didn't have any rope left after trying to cross that bridge where the piranha-men attacked, but fortunately Sobel had more. I redeemed myself after procuring a set of iron spikes and a grappling hook while leading the climb. The first part was easy, and I managed to help us all climb up, but the second part of the climb left me hungry and thirsty.
Nevertheless, we reached another, cavern-like chamber filled with glowing, red crystals. Feeling somewhat weary, we prepped our surroundings for camp and took some much needed rest.
Sig instinctually started cooking food as soon as we made camp. I was damn near excited, until he turned it to sludge. What a waste.
Sobel began mapping out the new places we'd discovered, and my delving nature tried to help. In the end, Sobel drew out our route, but she wasn't fully confident and felt afraid she'd screwed something up. Her whining started to piss Sig and I off, and we quickly became angry, though a bit of rest helped me clear my head, and I was only hungry and thirsty by the time we got going again.
Before the end of the camp, poor Sobel proceeded to meditate in order to clear her mind of the rage from before, and Sig found some psychedelic mushrooms - the same kind the tribal priests ate before attempting to commune with the King of the Mountain.
Finally, there was one last question that piqued my curiosity. What the hell were those glowing, red crystals? My knowledge of earth and stone couldn't help me out, but a bit of beginner's luck helped me remember what happened after the apocalypse shook the world and destroyed many a civilization. A strange, red glow rose to the surface after the earth erupted, and these, rare crystals were certain to be the source.
Knowing I could fetch a decent amount of coin for the crystals, I followed my instinct and didn't leave a single one behind. Of course, it was grueling work prying all those crystals out, and I became quite exhausted by the end.
After Sobel finished her meditation, she made me some poultices and salves to help with the exhaustion, but there was no time left to administer them. We had work to do.
We all headed through the next, open archway to the east and found ourselves at the top of a chasm. Looking down, we noticed a familiar chamber. We were on the other side of the chamber, where we originally tried to cross the bridge before being attacked.
As we tried to figure out the best way to get down, I became curious about the stonework to our right. I crossed the chasm to begin investigating the walls, and the ground felt like it was going to give in. I had hoped to find a secret room or entrance of some sort, but I actually discovered a large crack in the wall that went all the way down to the western wall at the bottom of the chamber. There was no question about it. I was damned sure there was another room behind that wall. I started to walk back, but before I could tell Sig and Sobel the news, the chasm collapsed, and I fell down into the water. Sig threw a rope down and pulled me up just in the nick of time, as I felt something scurry below my feet.
We figured the piranha-men were onto us, but we were three torches down and couldn't see anything down below. We tied one of the glowing, red crystals to the rope and tossed it down as a light source, but it slipped away, and we lost it.
Sig did spot several fish in the water, as opposed to piranha-men, and he threw his mushrooms down as bait and began hunting them down with his bow.
Soon, we would climb down and escape back to the room where we initially made camp and stored the tapestries, but we'll leave that for next time.
Our torches were soaked, so Sobel relit the lantern while they dried, and we walked west into another chamber filled with columns, an archway to the west, a ladder to the east, and more, strange symbols and writing on the walls in between.
Sobel managed to decipher them once again but grew frustrated and angry in the process. If you ask me, our entire adventure into the ruins was starting to get to her. She's a mean one when she's angry, let me tell you.
Turns out we were right outside King Jeremiah's private chambers and only needed to traverse the archway and venture west, through the proceeding tunnel, to get there. Of course, there was that curious ladder to the east.
Sig and Sobel turned to me to decide what path we should take. I firmly believed I could guide those two, and I smelled heaps of treasure just past that tunnel, so I said, "Onward to King Jeremiah's chambers!"
Big mistake.
As I scouted ahead, I came across a snoring, quadrupedal creature at the end of the tunnel. I have no idea what it was, and, truth be told, it didn't matter. I immediately regretted my decision to take the tunnel, so we double backed to the previous chamber and decided to head up the ladder instead.
I didn't have any rope left after trying to cross that bridge where the piranha-men attacked, but fortunately Sobel had more. I redeemed myself after procuring a set of iron spikes and a grappling hook while leading the climb. The first part was easy, and I managed to help us all climb up, but the second part of the climb left me hungry and thirsty.
Nevertheless, we reached another, cavern-like chamber filled with glowing, red crystals. Feeling somewhat weary, we prepped our surroundings for camp and took some much needed rest.
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Original Source: Unknown :( I take no credit for this artwork. |
Sobel began mapping out the new places we'd discovered, and my delving nature tried to help. In the end, Sobel drew out our route, but she wasn't fully confident and felt afraid she'd screwed something up. Her whining started to piss Sig and I off, and we quickly became angry, though a bit of rest helped me clear my head, and I was only hungry and thirsty by the time we got going again.
Before the end of the camp, poor Sobel proceeded to meditate in order to clear her mind of the rage from before, and Sig found some psychedelic mushrooms - the same kind the tribal priests ate before attempting to commune with the King of the Mountain.
Finally, there was one last question that piqued my curiosity. What the hell were those glowing, red crystals? My knowledge of earth and stone couldn't help me out, but a bit of beginner's luck helped me remember what happened after the apocalypse shook the world and destroyed many a civilization. A strange, red glow rose to the surface after the earth erupted, and these, rare crystals were certain to be the source.
Knowing I could fetch a decent amount of coin for the crystals, I followed my instinct and didn't leave a single one behind. Of course, it was grueling work prying all those crystals out, and I became quite exhausted by the end.
After Sobel finished her meditation, she made me some poultices and salves to help with the exhaustion, but there was no time left to administer them. We had work to do.
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Original Source: Unknown I take no credit for this artwork, though I did add water, cracks, and a dark archway toward the top. |
As we tried to figure out the best way to get down, I became curious about the stonework to our right. I crossed the chasm to begin investigating the walls, and the ground felt like it was going to give in. I had hoped to find a secret room or entrance of some sort, but I actually discovered a large crack in the wall that went all the way down to the western wall at the bottom of the chamber. There was no question about it. I was damned sure there was another room behind that wall. I started to walk back, but before I could tell Sig and Sobel the news, the chasm collapsed, and I fell down into the water. Sig threw a rope down and pulled me up just in the nick of time, as I felt something scurry below my feet.
We figured the piranha-men were onto us, but we were three torches down and couldn't see anything down below. We tied one of the glowing, red crystals to the rope and tossed it down as a light source, but it slipped away, and we lost it.
Sig did spot several fish in the water, as opposed to piranha-men, and he threw his mushrooms down as bait and began hunting them down with his bow.
Soon, we would climb down and escape back to the room where we initially made camp and stored the tapestries, but we'll leave that for next time.
MVP - Vonar
Teamworker - Sig
Embodiment - Sobel and Vonar
Unfortunately, I don't have the original source for any of the images or who to give credit to. They were snapshots taken from roll20, and I take absolutely no credit for any of the images I posted.
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